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  • Brandon Bell

3. Into the RE:Wild - Climate & Environmental Challenges

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

The dark followed by the the light

The uniqueness and awe delivered by Patagonia also brought me sadness as I witnessed humanity and climate change continuing to impede on nature's last remaining strongholds.

It is intended our young bloggers and filmmakers will cover the subjects in greater detail from their perspective, but here are a few prompts and links to articles about the challenges. We will share their work through our Space2Evolve channels and help them develop their resources over time.

The Light

To end this episode on a more positive note, the sadness I felt was in part tempered by the incredible work undertaken by Tompkins Conservation (Rewilding Chile, Rewilding Argentina) in partnership with governmental organisations of Argentina Parques Nacional & CONAF. In short, this organisation has bought and started to re-wilded huge areas of Patagonia over the last 30 years. In a deal with the Chilean and Argentine Governments’ conservation organisations, they multiplied the areas by 10 and handed them all back to the respective countries! Watch the film HERE.

Here are a few shots from the various national parks and the little critters that make it so very special..

The Views

All photos are taken are property of Space2Evolve (unless stated) using a second-life Sony A7c donated by or a second-life Google Pixel 6 phone running Graphene operating system. I will go into the kit I took and what worked later in our ethical consumerism blog.

The Fauna

The Flora

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